Municipal Circuit of Professional and Amateur Theatre in neighbourhoods and districts: open period for submitting proposals from amateur groups
Cartagena City Council is resuming the Municipal Circuit of Professional and Amateur Theatre in neighbourhoods and districts 2025, with a programme of works for all audiences, in social venues and civic centres in the municipality. Within this initiative, the Council has opened the deadline for submitting amateur theatre projects until 21 March .
According to the terms and conditions attached to this news, groups or companies must be registered in the Registry of Associations of the Region of Murcia. Due to the delay in the aforementioned registration, applications submitted prior to this call for applications will be assessed. A maximum of three proposals may be submitted.
Registration and the necessary documentation must be submitted in digital format, at the Cartagena City Council's electronic office (through Featured Procedures/General Application). Among other requirements, it will be necessary to send good quality posters in jpg format, a synopsis, duration of the work, cast and a budget for each performance.
The selection of projects will be made by a technical committee, made up of municipal employees from the Department of Culture, which will take into account the quality, artistic and/or pedagogical value of the project, the creativity and originality of the artistic proposal, its suitability for the cultural space (local residents' associations or open-air stages) and proposals from Cartagena or its region.
The main objective of the programme is to bring the performing arts, specifically theatre, to the neighbourhoods and districts of the municipality of Cartagena, as well as to promote the work of professional companies and amateur groups as disseminators of culture.