Located at a height of 345m, you can enjoy a panoramic view that extends from Escombreras island to Puerto de Mazarrón.
Built between 1926 and 1933 following Primo de Rivera's Plan (1926 Defence Plan). The fortification was an antiaircraft battery, with four A.A. 105/45 Vickers cannons, that was unarmed in the year 1952. At the moment only the barbettes, and the troop, and official pavilions are conserved.
The façade of the spare parts and ammunition depots consist of seven doors, with one central door and three doors on each side. Each door is framed by two pilasters and two columns that simulate the Ionic style. The central door is crowned by a Doric pediment surmounted by a shield.
Along this façade run their respective cornices, frieze and architrave. The outfit gives the impression of a classic building.
The access to Atalayón Battery is through a stone road that starts from Castillitos battery.