Defensive Architecture



Built during the years 1930 to 1934 following Primo de Rivera's Plan, the settlement works began in 1929 and the pieces were installed in 1934.

This battery is located on Las Cenizas Mountain, in Portmán, at a height of 305m from where you can see both the Mar Menor lagoon and the Mediterranean Sea. It was also gunned with two Vickers cannons of 38,1cm calibre identical to its homologous in Castillitos battery.

Within the construction we can distinguish four types:

The cover that is inspired by the "Temple of the Warriors of Chichen - Itza ruins and corresponds to the Mayan - Toltec style". It has large feathered serpents, representing Kulkucan. They have the head at the base and the rattlesnakes as capitals.

The underground tunnels and rooms are built with walls and a reinforced concrete vault covered with compacted earth. They have several rooms: machine room, projectile rack, powder deposit, loading chamber and spare parts store. In addition, there is the aiming central station, it also has an underground exit for emergencies that leads outside through the mountain.

The general workshops of the battery have façades imitating neoclassical style.

The telemetry and observation posts are semi-buried, and the emergent parts are constructions based on conglomerates of irregular stone blocks that form volumetric masses that blend with the landscape.

The buildings destined to the lodging and services to the appointed personnel are of several more or less eclectic styles, except the Pavilion of the captain and the Residence for officers, which are similar to the command posts, to achieve a better blending.

It remains armed, in 1981 it fired the last shots during a war drill. In the year 1.990 it was capped and it was decommissioned in 1.994, as a consequence of the application of the well-known PLAN NORTE.

The access is through a stone road, with gentle slope and wide curves from the road of Portmán RM-314.


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