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06/09/2024 - 20/10/2024 Seen: 1.436 times

If it is true that a human being is truly dead when the last person has pronounced his or her name, silence is the first cause of death, particularly when a man achieves the subjugation and psychological annulment of his partner. There are around 90,000 intentional gender homicides in the world. Female subjugation is, unfortunately, a crime rooted in the history of humanity.
Now is the time for women to free themselves from violence.
It is a hidden violence from which it is very difficult to escape, especially if it is buried in silence…

Iller Incerti wants to draw attention to the female figure and its beauty: by deifying it, through artistic gesture, he gives it an immortal dimension. Violence against women is an issue that affects us all: every living being, as a child, has the duty to defend the feminine being.
Incerti, in his work, ideologically distances himself from the instrumentalization of women as pink quotas to be inserted for gender parity or for campaigns in favor of veiled women; women who, raped or murdered, run the risk of losing their burdensome centrality due to the violence suffered. Too much instrumentalized pain; too many ideals are exploited and politicized to gain nothing.

For these reasons, Incerti's women sometimes take on bluish, luminescent colours, which transmute them into angelic, spiritual creatures, thanks to a technique that transforms colours into psychedelic ones with various levels of chromatic ranges. These are digitally reworked images. They are timeless icons, frozen by the artist in the flow of human history and the history of art. They are underlined, in their importance, by a gestural intervention of signs, with a symbolic writing that turns them into a document, a narrative, an emotional diary.

Iller Incerti's art and technique focus on the message of the immensity of beauty that is sacred and, consequently, inviolable.
Iller Incerti's works feature women who are aware of their uniqueness, determined to realize the dreams that have blossomed in their eyes.
The titles of the works themselves compose a narrative that underlines the artist's thoughts, which are focused on breaking the taboo of silence that guarantees impunity to the murderer and prevents women from obtaining the necessary support.
Spaces for dialogue must be created.
We must shout against violence in order to shatter silence .

Carla Bertone, art critic


In 1981, he worked as a staff member at the Patio de Luces of the Provincial Council of Murcia (SPAIN).
In 1982, he worked as a staff member at the Aguirre Palace in Cartagena (SPAIN).
In 1986, with the Atelier Pozzati he exhibited at the Arte Fiera in Bologna.
“The Chalice of Crete” curated by Gian Ruggero Manzoni at the 2E Gallery in Suzzara (Mantua).
In 1987, he performed an installation at “TRAVIATA”, on the Isola della Boschina in Ostiglia (Mantua).
In 1988, he participated in the travelling exhibition “Avamposti“ Nova Istrazivanja u Talijanskoj Umjetnosti” curated by the art critic Marisa Vescovo, at the Galerija Students kog Centra, Zagabria, Belgrade and Sarajevo.
He participated with “Il place du echo” in the Micro Macro Festival in Reggio Emilia, an experimental laboratory for culture.
He exhibited at the Pari e Dispari Gallery in Cavriago (RE).
He collaborated with “POOL 4” in Rome.
In 1989, under the aegis of Achille Bonito Oliva, who included him in Pop Art and comics, he exhibited at “Artoon l'influence du comic sur les arts visuales du 20 secolo” at the Palazzo della Civilizazione e della Travaglio in Rome.
Murales” Oratorio della Chiesa di San Lazzaro (Parma)
In 1990, personal “Barocco”, Galleria S. Rocco (Colorno, Parma)
Personal “In the plot” curated by Gian Ruggero Manzoni at the 2E Gallery in Suzzara (Mantua).
In 1993, he took part in the exhibition “Drawn Consumption, The Consummated Drawing”, curated by Renato Barilli, Palazzo delle Exposition, Rome.
He took part in the Museum of Contemporary Art Campagna (Salerno).
In 1994, he took part in the exhibition “The Sign, that is, the Fluidity of Existence”, Castle of the Dukes of Pomerania, Szczecin, (Poland).
He took part in “The Magical World of Mickey Mouse” at Conde Duque, Madrid.
He took part in “Polo”, curated by Enrique Maria Davoli, Medieval Castle of Montecchio Emilia, RE).
In 1995, he took part in “Signs”, BWA Gallery Vroclaw (Poland).
In 1996, he took part in “Marilyn the Seduction”, Il Lingotto, Turin.
In 1998, he participated in “The Dreamer Dreamed”, curated by Renato Barilli, Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia
. He participated in the Museo Campana in Marradi, Faenza.
In 1999, a conceptual intervention at the Musee d'Art Contemporain de Montreal Quebec, the New Orleans Museum of Art and the Baltimore Museum of Art.
He participated in “Poetics in Transit”, Pari e Dispari Gallery in Cavriago (RE).
In 2001, he was selected for the book “Figures of the 900”, Pinacoteca Bologna.
In 2002-2003, he was part of the “History” exhibition, S. Ludovico Gallery, Parma. He participated in “Silvio D'Arzo”, Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia. In 2003, he was part of the “No Comment” exhibition, Espace Nove Gallery, Faenza

In 2004, personal exhibition “Resist until the last man”, with poems by Gian Ruggero Manzoni, Museo del Senio, Alfonsine (Ravenna).
In 2007, personal exhibition “Subtítulo” at the Carmen de la Guerra Gallery, Madrid.
In 2008, personal exhibition “Lights and Shadows”, curated by María Pestaña, at the Alianza Hispánica, Madrid.
In 2009, personal exhibition at the Plaza Gallery, Venaria, Turin.
In 2010, he exhibits “The living part of images” at GREDO ART GALLERY, Turin.
2010-2011 he participates in Arte Fiera di Genova, Bergamo, Padua.
Personal exhibition “Notes and images on Silvio D'Arzo”, Silvio D'Arzo Institute, Montecchio Emilia (RE).
In 2011 he participates in “Silver Sales”, Gredo Art Gallery, Turin.
Participates in “Outside the margins”, Reggia di Colorno (Parma).
In 2014, participates in “Digitadarzo”, Loggetta del Trentanove, Faenza.
In 2015, participates in “Portraits of an exhibition”, Deconsecrated Church Piazza Padella Soci (Arezzo).
Participates in “The raped Venus. Love and heartbreak”, Rocca di Riolo, Riolo (Ravenna).
In 2018, “Profane love”, curated by Carla Bertone Pianizzola, Erotic Boutique, Parma.
Participates in “The sacredness of art”, Castello di Morozzo, Cuneo.
In 2019, auction-exhibition at the Casa d'Aste Meeting Art, Vercelli.
Participates in the immersive multimedia exhibition in augmented reality “INCERTI views on the future”, Museum of Science in Milan, curated by Carla Bertone Pianizzola.
In 2022, staff at the Berman Gallery, Turin.
Staff “How many landfalls does Ulysses make?” at Officina Leo van Moric Arte, Parma.
In 2023, staff “Colours, words, light in the air”, Torre Pacheco Municipal Library (MU).
Staff “Anthropocene” at Ambito cultural, El Corte Inglés, Murcia, curated by Joaquín Medina.
In 2024, illustration of the essay “Guarire con l'arte” Come migliorare il proprio benessere visitando musei (“Healing with art”. How to improve your own well-being by visiting museums) by Carla Bertone, Casa Editrice Psiche, Turin.
Project in development with a series of exhibitions at the Palazzo Saubados with a group of autistic children from the “Angeli de Ninfa” Association, Carmagnola, who interpret the artist's work and which will culminate in the children's intervention on the painter's works.
mail: illeriller55@gmail.com
mobile +39.3476064365









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