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CYCLING ROUTE – CIRCULAR MAR MENOR September 22 – International Car-Free Day

22/09/2024 Seen: 1.181 times

September 22 – International Car-Free Day

Circular bicycle route starting from the Algar Provincial Council, following the route to the Port of Tomás Maestre where the group takes the ferry to Santiago de la Rivera, to continue the route until returning to the starting point in Algar. 
Activity framed in the Mobility Week 2024, "Public Squares, Shared Squares" organized by the Department of Mobility and European Projects.
Organized by: Algar Bike, Department of Mobility and European Projects. Department of Culture
Time and place of departure : 8.30 am from La Cabaña, El Algar.
Time and place of arrival : approximately 1:00 pm or 1:30 pm, in La Cabaña, El Algar.
Route: Attached file with route data, as well as QR for the two sections of the route.
Information of interest
    • Distance: 26 + 37 = 63 km 
    • Positive gradient: +60 mt 
    • Estimated time: 4 hours 30 minutes 
    • Estimated time in motion: 3 hours 40 minutes 
    • Technical difficulty: Moderate 
              Bicycle in good condition, helmet, gloves, glasses (no one who comes without a helmet will be admitted)

              Participants : 50 participants over 12 years old




Where does it take place?


  • Session: 22/09/2024 do (08:43h)
    Bookings 12/09/2024 (00:00h) - 20/09/2024 (23:59h) - Capacity: 50. Free: 29    Reserve

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