What's on

CIA Physical Collage presents 'National 340'.

12/10/2024 Seen: 104 times


 “ National 340” shows the lights and shadows of a group of friends who go out on February 7th to enjoy the Carnival . Two brothers will fight against their internal wars, discovering that they are affected by a national heritage that is not talked about: La Desbandá, the greatest genocide of the civil war. What are we running away from in the present? What relationship do we young people have with memory? A show that walks between fiction and History, collecting the voices of survivors and young creators.

CIA Physicall Collage   is synonymous with Estela Ferrándiz, Carmen Liza, Claudia Maró and Elena Mateo , who, after having studied acting in physical and creative theatre together (ESAD Murcia) and presenting as co-authors the pieces: A7: Memoria y Asfalto (2022) and Herejes (2021) – a CreaMurcia finalist show and winner of the EstrenArte Festival-; come together as a contemporary creation company supported by SFORZA PRODUCCIONES. Their first work is “NACIONAL 340”, a show about the Desbandá and a group of young people (Finalist for two MAX 2024 Performing Arts awards: Best new show and Best new authorship).


CIA Physical Collage

Date: October 12, 2024. 

Time:  9:00 p.m.

Location : The Luzzy. 

Price:  6 €





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