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CARTAGENA JAZZ FESTIVAL presents Fernando Rubio.

07/11/2024 Seen: 156 times

The talent of Fernando Rubio ( Cartagena , 1964) has reached the straw that broke the camel's back, and the magic of this blessed madness that is music has happened, written with the claw that a lifetime on stage imposes, forged by fire and played with soul.
The succulent liquor causing this harmonic extravagance is an album entitled Stay Cool , which Fernando presents with his band, The Inner Demons , the splendid musicians who have accompanied him for years: Paco Del Cerro (drums), Joaquín Talismán (guitar), Carlos Campoy (keyboards) and Román García (bass), who is also responsible for the careful and elegant graphic presentation of the new album.

Date: November 7, 2024. 

Time:  20:30 hours

Location:  El Luzzy.

Price : €10. 




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