

The commercial offer of Cartagena ranges from small family shops to large shopping centres. Without forgetting the weekly street markets or the markets where we can find the best products of our land.

The hours of the big stores or franchises usually have an uninterrupted opening from 10.00 to 21.00h. In shopping centres, this schedule is extended until 22:00h.
On the other hand, traditional shops usually have as opening hours from 10.00 to 14.00h and from 16.30 to 20.30h.

Shopping Areas

Open shopping centre:
Everything you need to buy is in the downtown: food, beauty, footwear, culture, home, hospitality sector, children, jewellery, fashion, gifts, health, services, technology. Just go to the downtown to enjoy a purchase with the added value of a walk through the most emblematic area of the city, where everything is close and each street is different from the previous one, both architecturally and for its commercial offer.

San Fernando Commercial area
San Fernando Commercial area is an open commercial area formed by San Fernando, Tahona, San Esteban, La Pólvora, Parque and San Vicente streets.

LA MILLA commercial area
La Milla Commercial area is integrated by proximity stores of the Ensanche de Cartagena. In La Milla Commercial area you will find any products you may need, with the close treatment and advice you can only get from the merchant who is specialized in your product.

In addition to the historical downtown, in Cartagena you can enjoy shopping in streets such as Juan Fernández, Jimenez de la Espada, Alameda San Antón. Paseo Alfonso XIII. All of them make up one of the main shopping corridors in the city.

Regional Arts and Crafts Centre.

Regional Arts and Crafts Centre, Honda Street, 10, 30201 Cartagena,
The building is divided into different rooms where artisan products are displayed for sale. It also has a temporary exhibition room where artisans can show their latest creations on a monthly basis.


Located 2 km from the city, next to CABEZO BEAZA industrial estate, exit 191 of the motorway.
The urban bus line to the mall is number 4.
Within PARQUE MEDITERRÁNEO, there is the PARQUE MEDITERRÁNEO Mall, where you can find shops of national and international brands. Its leisure offer is completed with a wide variety of restaurants, bars and cinemas.

Shopping centre located in the city of Cartagena, it has fashion stores, footwear, textiles and food.

Street Markets

Street sales outside of permanent commercial establishments in 18 weekly street markets. There is also a series of seasonal markets in Holy Week, summer, Christmas and Three Wise men, whose installation is determined by the short-term nature of festivities. The products they sell are basically crafts and costume jewellery. For further information:


Santa Florentina Market is a meeting point for citizens when looking for the ingredients for their home kitchen or catering establishments.

Centro Comercial Abierto
San Fernando Área Comercial
Area comercial LA MILLA
Centro regional para la artesanía

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