

Sculptural work made with recycled materials that has been carried out by María Pilar López Salas of the plastic arts area and European funding of the Erasmus+ Project. This sculpture is displayed in the garden of the IES Isaac Peral, located on Paseo Alfonso XIII and represents the episodes of lack of oxygen that the Mar Menor suffered and the loss of biodiversity.

Charles III

The bust of Charles III is located next to one of his most significant works, the Charles III's Wall, next to the main steps to Midshipmen's Barracks and in front of the plaque that commemorates the fortification works.

The bust is a work by José Torres Guardia. It was unveiled by King Juan Carlos I, on June 12th, 1990. And it was funded by the California Brotherhood.

The figure of Charles III was fundamental for Cartagena, he completed the defensive system of the port area with the construction of Muralla del Mar in 1766, the new King barracks, the Artillery Park and the ending of the Arsenal in 1782. In addition, works to adapt the Galeras, La Atalaya, Los Moros and San Julián castles were done.

Carmen Conde

For the centenary of the birth of Carmen Conde Abellán, writer and academic from Cartagena, the City Council, through the ¿Patronato Carmen Conde - Antonio Oliver¿, erected in Carmen street, in front of the church of the same name, this sculpture in bronze of the writer.

The statue represents Carmen Conde, at full size, sitting on a bench with a book in her hands and a slight smile. On one of her fingers she has a wedding ring with the name of Antonio engraved. Work by the sculptor Juan José Quirós Illán from Cartagena, it was cast in Madrid, in the Bronce Artistico foundry.


The monument to Columbus was commissioned by the Minister of the Navy, Francisco Paula Pavia in 1882 to place it in the Arsenal. The Spanish sculptor Juan Sanmartin y Serra made it in Carrara marble in the city of Genoa. In 1900 the statue was ceded to the City Council, but it was not placed until the urbanization of Muralla del Mar. The pedestal was designed by the architect Lorenzo Ros in 1920. The statue represents Columbus with his arm extended pointing to land, which is the iconography most widespread of the sailor in statues.

Major Villamartín

Major Villamartín, born in Cartagena, who excelled in the performance of his military duties, has gone down in history as the author of several important works in historical-military thought.
After his death the public recognitions to his worth follow one another. In 1926 his monument was inaugurated at Plaza de la Merced, another monument to his memory was inaugurated in the barracks of Tentegorra in 1990. As well as the creation of the Classroom of Culture and Military History Major Villamartín.

The Guardian Angel

A sculpture representing the Guardian Angels in Carmen Street, by the sculptor Juan José Quirós from Cartagena. The statue, 1.8 metres high on a pedestal of 50 centimetres, it weighs 800 kilos and makes Cartagena the first city in Spain to have a monument in honour of the patron of the National Police Corps.

The Icue

Representation of the typical rogue from Cartagena who roamed the docks. Work by Manuel Ardil Pagán.

If there is a genuine and popular image, that lasts and defines the city of Cartagena, it is located in the historic centre of our city, in Puerta de Murcia, confluence with Sagasta, Carmen and Santa Florentina streets. In front of Pedreño Palace.

The Marine

First monument of the country to the Spanish Marine, in Plaza del Rey in Cartagena.

It consists of a life-size bronze statue of a Marine marching at a slow pace, made by the sculptor Jorge Aznar and which is added to other characteristic figures of the Armed Forces. With this monument, made with bronze pieces contributed by the Navy, it is paying homage to the Marines, one of the oldest units that exist in the city.

Replacement Navy Sailor

The sculpture of the conscript sailor intends to pay a small tribute to all those young people who, with their bags on their shoulders, arrived in Cartagena to perform military service.

The statue, full body, is made in bronze and is located in the Héroes de Cavite and Santiago de Cuba square, next to the Town Hall. Its author is the Cartagena-born artist Jorge García Aznar. The sculpture is a young man dressed in the uniform of Navy Corps, carrying a bag on his back.

Replacement Soldier

Tribute to the thousands of young people who came to Cartagena to perform military service in the Army and more specifically in the Infantry Regiment 'España 18'.

Work by Fernando Sáenz de Elorrieta. The sculpture represents a soldier who remains seated in one of the banks of the Heroes de Cavite square, wears an old uniform of the Army and has a bulky bag at his feet.

The Cache

At the western end of the esplanade of Héroes de Cavite y Santiago de Cuba, in the port of Cartagena, it is placed this colossal sculpture by Víctor Ochoa, a specialist in monumental sculpture. Homage of the city to the victims of terrorism. It is made of hollow bronze and it has a height of 4.80 meters and two tons of weight. It represents the figure of a seated man, naked and helpless, hugging his legs and with his head down, in an almost fetal position.

Esculpture to Processionist

One of the most emblematic monuments of the city of Cartagena is the Monument to the ¿processionist¿, dedicated to Holy Week and to Cartagena ¿processionists¿.

It is a sculptural group, made in bronze, work by the local sculptor Manuel Ardil Pagán. It represents three Nazarenes, popular characters of Holy Week in Cartagena, in full size.

Unveiled in 1983 and initially installed in Plaza de España, it is currently located in Plaza de San Sebastián, next to the Gran Hotel Modernist building.

Outdoor Sculptures

In 2007, under the auspices of the Mucho Más Mayo Festival, the First National Outdoor Sculpture Symposium was held. In which four sculptures of white marble of Macael were realized, and that today we can see in the gardens of Paseo Alfonso XII, to the base of Muralla del Mar:

Maternity by Belén Ortas Núñez.
Looking to the Sea¿ by Pepe Rufete Sáez.
Face by Jorge García Aznar.
Waiting by Beatriz Carbonell Ferrer.

The Whale's Tail

Sculpture five metres high by eight metres wide, weighing approximately 24 tons. It was made by the sculptor Fernando Sáenz de Elorrieta in Weathering steel. The sculpture simulates the plunge of a whale in the waters of the port of Cartagena (an easily observable mammal crossing the coasts of Cabo Tiñoso and Cabo de Palos, the usual crossing point in its migrations.)

The Rostral Column

Commemorative monument of the centenary of the Board of Works of the Port in 1977. It is located in the port, next to the old Yatch Club and the Sailors' Training Barracks that currently houses new facilities of the Polytechnic University and the Naval Museum.

The Rostral Column, a monument commemorating a naval battle that receives this name because its shaft is adorned with ship rams, was designed by Julio Mas García and his material execution corresponds to the sculptor Antonio García Mengual.

The monument is made of stone from Sierra Minera in Cartagena-La Unión. At the base of the column several reproductions of amphoras were placed, alluding to the commercial character that has marked this port throughout its history.

Skiff Dock's Cannons

The twelve artillery pieces are installed on concrete bases before the façade of the old Sailors Training Barracks. The cannons belong to the museum's permanent exhibition. These pieces, weighing hundreds of kilos, have been decommissioned from the Spanish fleet. These twelve pieces are the result of a collection of naval guns from the 18th and 19th centuries from different origins, as can be seen from the coats of arms engraved on their barrels, mostly 24-pounder long guns and 36-pounder long guns.

One of the guns belonged to the British Navy and was taken after the reconquest of Mahón, on the barrel of the cannon can be seen the coat of arms of King George III, also it is noteworthy the 2 guns belonging to the Russian fleet that the Tsar Alexander I sold to King Ferdinand VII, to quell the Rebellion of the Provinces in South America, the coat of arms of the double-headed eagle (symbol of the Tsar) can be seen on the barrel of these cannons.

Monument to Isidoro Máiquez

During mayor Torres mandate several sculptures were made to praise and remember the feats and virtues of illustrious people of the city throughout history, that is why the centre of the Plaza San Francisco (“San Francisco Square”) is adorned since 1927 with the statue of the Cartagena actor Isidoro Máiquez, made by the Valencian José Ortells, who had been a student of Benlliure and First Medal of the National Exhibition of Fine Arts of 1917.

Monument to Cavite and Cuba Heroes

The monument was made by public subscription, headed by King Alfonso XIII himself. The location in Cartagena was decided because it was the starting point for the fleet of Cuba and for being the place of origin of a large part of the contingents of the troops.

The monument, made by the Asturian sculptor Julio González Pola, has a base of eight meters and fifteen meters high. Made in marble stone, with the reliefs and the coat of arms in black marble. From the centre of the pedestal rises a pyramid highlighting two allegorical figures of "Glory", on the main faces two allegorical groups and on the main part the coat of arms of Spain in bronze. The monument forms a square with a side length of sixteen meters and at the corners there are pilasters from which ship chains depart to join two vertical anchors on each front. Hawser links and other marine elements complete the decoration of the combination. In 1982 the monument to the Heroes of Cavite and Cuba was restored, replacing the allegorical groups with replicas in bronze and just as the original work, the restoration was financed with public and private subscriptions (the original pieces are kept in the Military Arsenal of Cartagena).

Santiago Apóstol (James The Apostle)

The Monument to Santiago Apóstol (James the Apostle) is an image of the saint, full-bodied, made in bronze in 2007 by the sculptor Juan José Quirós from Cartagena. The sculpture has a height of approximately three metres and is located on the quay of Santa Lucia, at kilometre zero of the so-called "Camino del Azahar".

The image of Santiago Apóstol, is accompanied by a cross over fifteen metres high, which was designed by Andrés Martínez and built in the workshops of Tamar. It is next to the mural that represents the entrance of the Apostle in Spain, through the fishing district, which is a work by Ramón Alonso Luzzy.

A Forest in the City

It is a 3-meter sculpture that adorns the entrance to the IES Isaac Peral center and raises awareness about respect for the environment. A large tree has been installed at the doors of the Isaac Peral Institute, located on Paseo Alfonso XIII. This sculpture by María Pilar López Salas has been made with cement and recycled materials such as wood and blankets. The tree is called 'Sabino' in honor of the native species 'sabina mora', similar to an Ent out of Tolkien's novels and reminds us, according to its author, that "human beings are linked to nature and we must not forget our estate".

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