Industrial Heritage

Military Arsenal Tours

The Arsenal of Cartagena serves as base for multiple units of the Navy and gives logistical support to Navy ships passing by Cartagena.


Guided tours must be requested at least 15 days in advance by fax +34 968 127 322, email or letter addressed to the Chief Admiral of the Arsenal of Cartagena, which must include the following points:

  • An explanation of the reason for the visit:
  • A list with names, surnames, ID documents, date and place of birth, of the adults who are part of the visit, as well as the number of minors and the personal data of the person responsible for them.
  • If it is a school, institute, association, youth centre, etc., the personal data of the teachers / monitors responsible during the visit (name, surnames, ID documents, date and place of birth, email and mobile phone). In the case of minors, no relationship is necessary, but the approximate number, course / cycle they do, and their ages.
  • When you want to access the Arsenal in collective transport, it's necessary to know the vehicle / bus and driver data: make, model, registration, company that performs the service, and name, surname and ID document of the driver. This section is very important to be able to process the authorization to access the Arsenal. These data will be sent as quickly as possible or, at least, three working days in advance.
In all cases, there will be an express statement that all personnel have insurance and exempts the Navy from any civil liability during the visit (slips, falls, etc.).

It also offers the possibility of including in the visit the Submarine Base and a vessel of the Maritime Action Force, as long as the activity of these units allow it.

The visits are free and will take place on Tuesday and on Thursday, from 10:00 to 13:00. Very small visits (less than five people) can be grouped or integrated into other more numerous groups on the same requested day or a different one.

On Saturdays you can also visit the Arsenal individually, in a single pass at 11:00 hours, without minimum capacity. From 1st July till 1st  September visits will not be scheduled.

43 Experience

One of the main producer and distributor of liquors in Spain and emblematic company of Cartagena, Licor 43, has among its facilities, the museum called Experiencia 43, next to the industrial estate of Los Camachos. The place covers the evolution of the brand, as well as its historical marketing and advertising campaigns.

A part of the showing is dedicated to sport, supporting several professional teams: cycling, motorcycling, basketball, handball and sailing. In addition, visitors will discover what is the process of making the liquor and its positioning in the world.

Licor 43 is present in more than 70 countries, and it is among the top ten brands in its category worldwide.


  • Guided tours in five languages: Spanish, English, German, Italian, and French.
  • Workshops on cocktails preparation.
  • Booking personalised business or private events according to each customer.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 15.00.

Calle Silicio nº 10,
Polígono Industrial Los Camachos,
30369 Cartagena

For further information, contact Experiencia 43, on the phone: +34 968 030 188, or by e-mail:

Glass Museum, Santa Lucía

The Glass Museum of Santa Lucia began its journey in 2011 as showroom and training centre by the Handicraft Association of Glassmakers of Santa Lucia.

The building houses on its first floor the past, present and future of the stained glass tradition of Cartagena through an exhibition with more than 200 pieces from the old glass factory of Santa Lucia.

On the ground floor there is a room with furnaces where the visitor can see a demonstration of glass blowing.

Tools and machines traditionally used by glassmakers are also found in this room.

C/ Monroy, 19
Phone: +34 679 154 036 / +34 968 501 069

For further information regarding schedule, price, and visitations:, or e-mail

Mining Interpretation Centre Las Matildes

The Mining Interpretation Centre Las Matildes is a space for the recovery and enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage treasured by the Sierra Minera of Cartagena-La Unión.

Located in the archaeological-mining complex of Las Matildes Mine, after its rehabilitation. It is today the best preserved industrial facility of the Sierra Minera of Cartagena-La Unión.

It is conceived as a site museum in which visitors can approach in a didactic and entertaining way to the traces that more than 2000 years of mining history have left in the landscape, heritage and environment of the Sierra Minera, and in which they can discover in particular the uniqueness and interest of the mines surrounding the Beal that were dedicated to the drainage of the mining area.

For further information regarding schedule, price, and visitations:
Telephone: 628073482

Fish Market

The creation of the fish market building, made the fishing port the reference for many of the fisheries of the Region of Murcia.

It is known that in the 40s the fish auction was made from a balcony of the City Hall building overlooking Calle Carnicerías.

In 1955, after several changes, a move was made to the Santa Lucía Yacht Club area, on the shores of Puerto Piojo. The building was designed by the engineer Francisco Ayuso Ayuso, who was director of the Board of Works of the Port.

From the current market, in the early morning of Good Friday, the marrajo float of 'El Jesús Nazareno' comes out.

This building, where takes place the daily auction of the fish brought to port by the fleet moored in Cartagena, is also the seat of the Fishermen Association. It is located in the fishing port of Santa Lucía. This building is brimming with seafaring tradition. It preserves the classic layout of this type of places, with a large room where the fish is put on display to be sold later.

Guided tours by prior booking by mail 

Samson Crane

The large roundabout on the Paseo del Muelle de Santa Lucía is adorned with an element of the city's industrial heritage: the Samson Crane.

It was built in 1929 by the Unión Naval de Levante, S.A. by order of the State, in the shipyards of La Carraca in Cádiz, which gave it the popular name of "La Gaditana", although it was officially named Sansón. It is a 100-tonne electric crane, with the function of transporting and lifting large loads in the military sector, although it also carried out important civilian cooperation work. The large 35-metre metal structure stood on a square skid that allowed it to be towed to where it was needed.

Its operation was controlled from a hut or engine room located in the patacha, and it had a crew of between 16 and 21 people under the command of a chief petty officer.

It arrived in Cartagena in 1930, for the movement of the heavy material, the large Vickers cannons, which were to be used for the artillery of the Castillitos and Cenizas batteries on the Cartagena coast. From then on, she was stationed in the city for military work, although she also went to other nearby places such as Portmán and La Azohía or further afield, such as Ibiza and Mahón.

It was discharged from the Navy in 1993 and since 2001 she has presided over the entrance to the container terminal at the Port of Cartagena. 

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